Using Green Twins to design pioneering Green Energy Plants

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Green Digital Twins

Opens unique possibilities in design and validation of pioneering green energy processes

Based on unique process domain and advanced simulation expertise gained over decades, BPT is the default partner in any green energy concepts or projects.

Energy companies, plant designers, equipment vendors and investors typically involve BPT at an early stage during concept design to validate and de-risk the process and energy systems involved.

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Green energy and complex unit operations:

Key areas of BPT involvement

BPT has in-depth knowledge and experience in developing and enhancing the process simulator unit operations, processes and thermodynamic properties.

We are experts in configuring plant-specific simulators for new energy processing facilities used the whole lifecycle from early design, throughout commissioning and startup as well as in daily operation of the plant. These simulators embed high-fidelity unit operations like electrolysis and reactors being fit-for-purpose for accurate dynamic simulation of various scenarios like startup, shutdown, load changes, abnormal situations, etc.

Some of the new energy facilities we are engaged with are:

  • Hydrogen
  • Ammonia
  • E-Fuels
  • Methanol
  • Biofuels
  • Cryogenic Air Separation
  • Direct Air Separation
  • Concentrated Solar Power
  • Carbon Capture, Storage and Utilization
BPT - Billington Process Technology

Creating Green Twins built on world-class Simulation Technology and Process Competence

25+ Years serving the process and energy industry with innovative digital solutions

Complex equipment and systems in green energy processes are modelled in selected industry-standard process simulators and enhanced by BPT when necessary, providing accurate, robust and efficient tools with high-fidelity performance. We improve existing or develop new unit operations as extensions to the market-leading process simulators like HYSYS, UniSim and Petro-SIM for challenging and complex process facilities. Often this also includes reimplementation or new thermodynamic property and equation of state packages.

The models used for design stage are further used in control system validation, operator training and performance monitoring during operation. The technology and knowledge represent a high-fidelity lifecycle simulator. Digital Twins. The GREEN TWIN.

  • Specialist Simulation Services
  • BPT SimApps - Simulator Software Extensions
  • BPT Digital Production Twins

+Years Experience




+Global Clients


Emissions Ambition

BPT Services & Solutions:

BPT Simulation Services - Studies

Over decades BPT has executed world-leading simulation studies based on high-fidelity simulators, software extensions and efficient workflows performed by cross-discipline domain experts.

BPT SimApps - Software

We do innovation on top of the industry-standard process simulators, adding capabilities and fidelity as well as increasing accuracy and user efficiency. Reduce effort up to 90%. The software Apps is for rent.

BPT Digital Twins

In operation since 2017 - our unique production twin with holistic sensor value correction, automated calibrated simulator models and open integration with digital ecosystems.

BPT offer state-of-the-art usage of simulation technology throughout all phases of plant development and operations

BPT Green Twins

Our Lifecycle Simulator Approach

Efficient, innovative and state-of-the-art usage of simulation technology throughout all phases of plant development, commissioning, startup and field life operations. The main vehicle in this approach is the BPT Twins, a full-fledge Digital Engineering and Lifecycle Simulator Framework leading up to an Online Simulator for decision support and production optimization - an Online Digital Production Twin.


Process design and optimization

We evaluate and improve process and system design for the complete plant by much more detailed and wider analyses than traditional engineering methods. This includes process optimization, compressor evaluations, design optimization and validation, process safety, process control and operational robustness.


Control design, validation and improvement

We test control strategies towards the actual process models, including process control, process & emergency shutdown logic and compressor protection as well as controllability of electrolyzers and reactors.


Virtual plant & digital ecosystem validation

To improve performance and interoperability of integrated systems, we build virtual plant of the entire production facility with control system and all main digital applications in ecosystem, hence total performance could be fully validated.


Operator training simulator

We provide high-fidelity operator training simulators for efficient qualification of central control room and field operators. We also test and improve operational procedures prior to commissioning and plant startup.


Online digital production twin

The lifecycle simulator / digital twin evolves and accumulate increasing rigor throughout the design and commissioning phase - and from plant start-up it forms an operational production twin driven by real-time data with unique performance monitoring, accuracy and optimization capabilities.

BPT expertise areas withing green energy

From exploring and solving specific technology gaps and critical green processes - to high-fidelity life-cycle, plant-wide engineering, training and production simulators and twins.


Green Hydrogen

The industrial methods for generating hydrogen gas

Most hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels by steam reforming of natural gas and other light hydrocarbons (blue hydrogen), partial oxidation of heavier hydrocarbons and coal gasification (grey hydrogen). Other methods of hydrogen production include biomass gasification, no CO₂ emissions methane pyrolysis and electrolysis of water.

The production of green hydrogen

Green hydrogen is hydrogen generated by renewable energy or from low-carbon power, and has significantly lower carbon emissions than grey hydrogen. Green hydrogen is produced by the electrolysis of water.

Developing high-fidelity simulators of hydrogen processes introduces several challenges as mainstream simulators do not have ready-made models for the various types of electrolysis cells.

BPT has developed a flexible and unique electrolytic separator cell model called BPT-ECX that works as an extension to industry-leading process simulators like HYSYS, UniSim and Petro-SIM (run as a fully integrated unit operation within these simulators).

The BPT-ECX includes models for the following types of electrolysis:

  • PEM (Polymer Electrolyte Membrane electrolysis).
  • AEL (Alkaline ElectroLysis).
  • SOEC (Solid Oxide Electrolyze Cell).

The uniqueness of BPT-ECX:

  • BPT-ECX facilitates accurate interactive steady state and dynamic simulation of electrolysis plants without the need for process engineers that have specialist knowledge of advanced simulation tools (user-friendly).
  • BPT-ECX is fitted for standalone models of the electrolysis stack units or in simulation models where electrolysis is a part of a larger plant where the interaction and controllability between the various parts are of crucial importance to validate and improve.
  • BPT-ECX enables transfer of experimental data of newly developed electrolysis cell technology into an overall electrolysis plant model to evaluate the new technology and design pilot and industrial plants.

Some of the key parameters included in BPT-ECX:

  • Area and number of cells.
  • Flexible geometry (vendor specific).
  • Electrolysis efficiency and over-potential.
  • Voltage cell.
  • Faraday efficiency.
  • Gas purity.
  • Heat loss.
  • Thermal lag.

Using Green Twins to accelerate the Green Shift

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